Female homeowner and son decide when to turn on AC in house with thermostat.

After a long winter, delaying when to turn on AC in your house is almost a point of pride in Wisconsin. You don’t want to waste energy cooling things down when you could open a window instead. But when spring temperatures start to turn into summer, what are you supposed to do? The Carrier® experts here at Advanced Comfort Systems can help you decide. Below, we’ll help explain the best time to turn on AC during summer. Take a look at our advice—and call us with questions.

When Should You Turn on the Air This Summer?

In short, there really is no wrong answer to this question.

It depends on your comfort level and your family’s needs. If it feels too warm or humid in your house, go ahead and turn the air on. Or, if you’re on the fence, you can also try setting your indoor temperature higher than you normally would—by three or four degrees—to get the comfort you need without using a ton of energy. A good rule of thumb: use it when you need it.

Alternatives to Turning the Air On

If your home is warm but you don’t want to turn on the AC just yet, there are a few things you can do to stay comfortable, like:

Utilizing Your Windows and Fans

Sometimes all the fresh air you need comes from outside. But if the wind isn’t strong or the day is mild, you can also set a fan in the open window to create a nice draft. The same goes for any ceiling fans you may have. Be sure to set the blades to turn counterclockwise so they push cooler air down to you.

Close Blinds and Shutters During the Day

Everyone loves the natural sunshine—but not always the heat it gives off. To cool your home down without turning on the AC, try closing blinds, shutters, or curtains during the day to block the sun’s rays. Then, when it sets, you can open them back up (and even open the windows for that nice, cool night breeze).

Consider Going Ductless

Ductless split systems are great alternatives to traditional heating and cooling units. Installed directly in the room of your choosing, these individual systems can provide customized heating and cooling solutions. Contact us today to see if ductless might be right for your home.

Turn to the Experts at Advanced Comfort

Knowing when to turn on the AC in your house is not always easy. But calling our experts is. If you have questions, reach out to us today either by phone or online.

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