Young female homeowner raises her home humidity with a humidifier while drinking tea.

If your skin is starting to dry out or you’re getting frequent colds, low home humidity could be to blame. That’s where Advanced Comfort Systems can help—from installing humidifiers in your home to simply giving out advice, our experts want you to stay as comfortable as possible. Discover ways you can raise your home’s humidity levels below, then call us at 920-564-2333 with questions.

Why Balanced Home Humidity Levels Matter

Air that’s too dry can affect your comfort in many ways. It can cause dry and irritated skin, nosebleeds, and frequent bouts of the cold and flu. But it also impacts more than that—it can cause your wooden floors and furniture to crack, and even create problems with static electricity.

Balanced humidity levels (keep yours between 30 and 50 percent for best results) can alleviate those problems and even help you feel warmer without touching your thermostat.

Balance Moisture Levels With These Tips

1. Add Some Plants

Adding some greenery to your home looks great and can help boost humidity all at once thanks to its ability to release moisture into the air. The bigger the plant—and the more you have in your home—the more humidity they can produce.

2. Insulate and Seal Your Home

Any outside winter air that leaks into your home decreases humidity and makes your furnace work harder. Seal any leaks in your windows and ductwork to prevent air loss. Plus, adding insulation in weak spots can increase humidity and decrease condensation, too. Another bonus to all this? You can also help improve your home’s energy efficiency and cut down on utility bills.

3.  Let Your Clothes Air Dry

Instead of using a dryer, you can get the benefits of natural water evaporation by hanging your clothes out to dry. Hang them up in your biggest room and let the moisture wick off and create some extra comfort.

4. Add a Humidifier From Advanced Comfort

While there are several portable humidifiers that work for single rooms, a whole-home system can work everywhere. Advanced Comfort installs Carrier® humidifiers with sensors to automatically increase overall home humidity.

Start realizing the benefits of whole-home humidity by calling us at 920-564-2223 or sending us a message.

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